My ISU Page


Welcome to my C# Programming Primer!

Chapter 1 Overview and Getting Started!

Chapter 2 Creating Output

Chapter 3 Declaring and initializing variables

Chapter 4 Input

Chapter 5 Math Operations.

Unit 2

Chapter 6 Scopes

Chapter 7 Loops

How to declare an Array

int[] (Namespace) = new int[#ofInt];

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


Console.Writeline("Hi" + i.ToString() + "goals:");

int.TryParse(Console.Readline(), out player[i]);


How To Use IndexOf

if (txt.IndexOf < -1);.....

Works Cited

"C# Overview." Tutorialspoint, n.d. Web. 25 Sept.


Mctavish, Ian, High School Programming, and C. ICS3U 2015/2016 Unit 1

(n.d.): n. pag. McT Teaching,Tech, And Library. Huntsville High School.
