How to Create Output with C#!

Start up Visual Studio and create a new Console Program. Name the program NameFirstProgram and click ok.

You will be greeted with this text.

Your code will go in between the brackets market with the red arrow.

Arrow Showing Output Between The Proper Brackets

Now click between the two lines and type in the following...

Note that capitols and spelling is very important.

Type in Console.Writeline, this will tell the computer that your console program

is writing a line of text. After Console.Writeline put ("Good Morning World!"); be sure to include ;

to tell the computer that line is finished. Next type Console.Readline() to tell it to read your text.

Your final product should look like this...

Final Output

Now Click Start and your program should look somthing like this.

Final Product

Congradulations, You have now have output!

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